Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Book Club Get Together

Come join us at the library on January 13, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. for a Pot Luck to be shared by all the area book clubs and anyone interested in book clubs.

Or just to find out what we have been reading!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friends of the Library booth at the Women's Bazaar

This is the beautiful booth where the Friends of the Library
had books, paperwhites, plants, cookbooks, and Christmas cookies for sale.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Annual Spirit of Montana Authors Gathering

Friday September 3rd was a wonderful evening. We would like to thank the authors who educated and entertained us through the sharing of their experiences. We would also like to thank the Friends of the Carnegie Library for serving their wonderful hors d'oeuvres and desserts.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Guest Guitarist for Storytime

This Friday we had the pleasure of hearing some great music and fun songs performed by Ashton Oconnor. Keep your ears open for the next performance.

Make a Splash at your Library Summer Reading Program Picnic

Our program was all about having fun reading at your library this summer. We had 77 participants and they read over 800 books. Kate and I were thrilled to have so many wonderful children in the library. We wrapped it up with a picnic party on Friday and
as you can see, water ballons were flying.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Face Painting

We had so much fun painting faces again this year.
Here are a few samples of our hanydwork. The library
would like to thank Susan Lavold and Anita Gutowski
(who was visiting our town from Roseville, MI) for doing
such a great job painting faces!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3rd Annual Soup and Bread Lunch at the Library

Another successful fund raiser put on by the Friends of the Big Timber Carnegie Library. There were more than a dozen different soups to choose from, homemade bread (it was wonderful Kathy) and cookies.

A big Thank you to everyone who helped cook, serve, eat, entertain, clean, etc. All proceeds will go toward children's books. Stop by and see our growing collection!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


The Newly formed Friends of the Big Timber Carnegie Library Book Club met for the first time on Tuesday evening, January 12, and chose "Where the River Runs North" as their initial reading assignment. The Friends of the Library group will next meet on Tuesday Feb. 9th downstairs at the library to talk about the book. Everyone is welcome to attend the club's session, which will start at 6:30 p.m. Former librarian Lauren McMullen is scheduled to lead the discussion that night. "Where the River Runs North" was written by Sam Morton. The book is fiction but based on fact; the historical tale focuses on the history of the Absaraka region in southern Montana and northernWyoming. The narrative takes the reader from pioneer life though modern development of this area to the south and east of our own community.
Questions about the club or the focus books can be addressed to librarians Kate Lewis, Jacque Scott or FOL President Kathy Jones. The library's telephone number is 932-5608.